It seems I am running even further behind on my posts! I wonder how that could be? ;)
Anyway, it has been just over a year since PJ and I were married! My goodness, how time flies. Things are going very well at work. While hubby and I were vacationing in Tahoe, his other staff pharmacist was also out on leave and the store was completely dependent upon floaters! Some numbers were down, but the technicians did a fantastic job holding up the work flow! PJ was impressed and I was at peace to see his relief when he came home from work his first day back.
Our neighbors are having a little boy! We are so excited because it has given us more opportunity to chat with them; they even came over to talk about newborn stuff when AJ was just a few weeks old. They were so kind! I do hope this will give us another chance to invite them over for dinner. Please pray that we would have the opportunity to invite them to church and to encourage them in faith.
Mommy has been having one heck of a time adjusting to new "normal." That is, every time I think I have her figured out, she switches things up on me! It's okay though. We definitely have our tough days, but she is challenging me and encouraging me more and more each day in godliness. It is quite humbling.
Just a quick update for now, but we are very excited about the Christmas! We will be celebrating on the 20th with my side of the family. Then, for Christmas eve, PJ's family will be joining us for our church's Christmas Eve service before we join the rest for the annual party. I am excited to join them for Midnight Mass for the first time, as well. AJ will have a busy first Christmas!
Happy Christmas, everyone!