Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Struggles and Snuggles

So, we've made it to mid-August and for the first time in months, we are trying to upkeep our budget. Yes, we are struggling to steward well right now. I'm grateful that the Lord has been faithful to protect us from our own foolishness by granting wise counselors in our life who have strongly advised that we wait until we have saved a minimum of 20% down prior to searching for a home; and - having listened to enough Dave and other Ramsey personality podcasts - we have refrained from opening any credit cards. We do currently hold 2 cards beyond our debits, but they are directly tied to our debit account and we take the hit immediately without adding payments to the end of our months.

Small steps we are taking is to remedy the lack of budgeting. We are determined not to be the statistic for struggling marriages, with fights revolving around money and financial stress.

I have gone back to using cash for grocery purchases and divvying out fun monies, so that has been helpful. In addition to these, I have been diligent to planning menus and keeping our grocery bill to a minimum. I will be honest and confess that we have not been diligent in paying down our debt and this is not helpful for our big picture family goals.

Some of the big picture work is being done, though - in the little things. The kids have all been waking up with us and we start the day reading a chapter of Proverbs together. It has been such sweet time in the mornings to enjoy family cuddles and Bible reading. The girls and I are also going through the creation account in Genesis and my heart melts in their excitement as they boldly ask, "God created everything?!" each time we read the passage.

AJ is learning how to put others before herself as she is constantly wanting to be the one who chooses the show and plays with the toys her sister is already enjoying. E is learning how to speak gently when she wants something and not yell and throw a fit to get her own way. T is learning how to eat and stay on the carpet. Coincidently, these all tie into what mommy is learning as well.

I am also on a book launch team, which goes through September, for Risen Motherhood. Laura Wifler and Emily Jensen are sisters-in-law who started a podcast together a few years ago and it has grown into a non-profit ministry for moms needing the reminder of the gospel. I love it and I am so enjoying the book, which comes out September 3. It has been eye-opening, to say the least, and such godly encouragement, conviction and help through some of my wrestling through selfish thought patterns and behaviors.

PJ and I are really enjoying the Parenthood book from Tripp again. We are working through it slowly, but I like that we are taking all of the principles and talking through them and working them into the way we speak to our kids. It's truly helping us to apply these principles into parenting instead of just reading for the sake of finishing a book together. It looks like we will not finish until end of September or October at our current rate.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Made it to August

I cannot believe that it is August already and our boy is 6 months old (well, that happened 30 July)! This month, the girls are trying out dance class and had their first trial today! AJ was shy at first, but after a few minutes, she was jumping right in; E absolutely loved every minute, but we will see if we have room in our budget to commit to registration, or if we can do some toddler stuff at home and then start each one at 5 for their birthdays. Now that we have Disney passes again, it may be something that we wait for, we will see.

Last month, PJ and I went through Proverbs, I believe we only missed 1 week total, so we are going through it again. Our parenting book is also coming along great. We have been really enjoying some deep discussions on how the gospel is influencing our parenting tactics. We both are working to not depend on harsh tones, but to depend upon grace to train them. I am so grateful for PJ and his continuous desire to love and serve our family well as he seeks the Lord.

The Lord has been so faithful to me, as well. My neck spasm is beginning to heal and - as I have also been going through The Listening Life by Adam S. McHugh - I have begun to truly prioritize my time, efforts and energies. I am slowing down significantly and truly working to listen - to others, to my body, to my children, my husband, friends, and family. I highly recommend this book and feel that everyone would benefit from the last few chapters in particular!

Anyway, PJ is doing so very well at work and I am so proud of him! He is officially a 2-time winner of the Paragon Award (which means he is the top pharmacy manager in his entire district). He is such a great manager and truly cares for his team.

AJ may be growing out of nap time soon, so we are working on reading so she will be equipped for an hour of quiet time. We were hoping to enroll her for Pre-K this year, but after speaking with a friend, I think hubby and I will have to further discuss our goals for official enrollment. We are currently and will continue to work through Pre-K Curriculum with her and E, but may put off enrollment.

E is doing so well with her Pre-K assignments! It helps that she has had her big sister to look up to. She sits and colors for at least 10 minutes and enjoys doing puzzles. She is definitely the more hands on, active learner, while AJ is the audio/visual learner. I am really looking forward to making our own filed trips.

T is growing like a weed! I just put a size 4 diaper on him today and he's pretty comfortable in 9 month onesies! He has one 7 hour stretch at night, but has had some sleep regression this week due to teething and a growth spurt. He has his 2 bottom front teeth in already and is still my happy boy.