Wow, it's been almost a month since I've updated everyone! I can't believe how time goes by so fast!
Well, after I told you all about the tough time I was having with the anticipation, I went in for a NST (non-stress test) on Friday morning. It was non-responsive, the nurses were unable to get a consistent read on AJ's heart rate, so the doctor sent me over to be induced. I was admitted around 10:30am.
My parents were there soon after, and PJ finally arrived around 11:45. I was not dilated at all, so they started me on Mesoprosal (1 of 3 doses given every 6 hours) at 11:30. Having the moniters on to watch my contractions and her heart rate, it was difficult for me to move around and the nurses had to keep adjusting my position. Needless to say, I wasn't resting very well, and I wasn't progressing very quickly.
By 1am, I was almost dilated 2cm, they still weren't reading her heart rate very well, and I had already had my third dose of medication. The doctor needed to insert internal monitors, which required him to break my water so he could attach one to her head. She was still really high, and I was determined not to have an epidural... It was a painful procedure, but having my water broke, I was up to 4cm by 3am. At 4, they started the pitossin.
Now the medications were forcing the start of my contractions, which were consistent, and causing back labor because AJ was facing forward. However, I was stuck at 4cm for quite a while. Until about 10am Saturday morning, to be more precise. Now, I had been up since 5am Friday, not expecting to be induced; I had been in a hospital bed for 24 hours and awake for about 29.
After the internal monitors were put in and the midwife informing me that AJ was still pretty high, I was able and encouraged to move around. So, I did. From about 2am on, I was moving, repositioning, dancing, doing squats, everything. I was exhausted and in more pain than I could bear, having such little strength left and the inability to eat since I was already on pitossin. I caved. I knew I didn't want IV drugs because AJ would get them, too, and would be lethargic and difficult to bond with once she came out. I had the epidural at 10:30am.
Now, I thought that I would regret it, but I do not. I was able to take a 2 hour nap, allowing PJ to get some rest, as well; and my labor started speeding up because I was so relaxed. By lunch time, I was starting to feel the contractions a little more, so the nurse checked me so she could try to get the doctor back to set up more medications, as long as I wasn't at 8cm, yet. I was!
I was so excited to be so much closer to meeting AJ! The nurse checked me again at 2pm and I was fully dilated. She told me that they were going to let my body labor doown for about an hour, then I would start pushing. It all felt so surreal. Just a couple of hours earlier, the doctor told me that I may have ot have a caesarian section, now I was progressing well enough and would be pushing her out within an hour.
3:00pm hit, 5 contractions and 10 minutes later, AJ was out and I was able to cuddle with my little bundle of joy :) Induced on Friday morning, baby by Saturday 10/03/2015 afternoon, home by late Sunday afternoon. not too shabby!