Hello friends! It has been a busy, busy couple of weeks. Hubby and I have gone to several apartment complexes and a few privately owned residences and we are both a tad overwhelmed.
We are communicating well, but having a difficult time landing on the same page. Our area has a high rental price tag for 2 bedrooms, unless it is less than 900 square feet and privately owned. There are a couple of units which have stood out to us, but we are in need of some prayer regarding a timeline as well as contentment. Our lease is up October 1, EE is due September 19, the units are open in July. It will cost us an extra month of rent to exit our lease early, plus the new rent with a security deposit to move into a new place.
Hubby wants to push our move into August, but I was hoping to move by early July so we can all get settled into our new home and I can have everything ready for EE, as well. This is going to be a process, and I will admit that some of this is my OCD and need to have life "put together" before I'm admitted to the hospital and then have to come home with a new baby. I truly do not want to come home to a living room and bedrooms filled with boxes or objects with unassigned places.
Obviously, if we could predict when EE will be joining us outside the womb, we would have a solid moving plan in place. However, this is an impossible feat, so what makes me nervous is all of the uncertainty that comes from pregnancy anyway, joined with the rental market going up or down and units that fit our needs being available at the price we prefer to pay. Our ideal unit has 5 people on their wait list and it is not likely that we would be able to move in this year.
Please be praying for my humility and a heart of submission to my husband. Also, for his gentleness in communicating our immediate needs over my preferences as we go through this process. Thank you, friends and family.
Friday, May 27, 2016
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Update - May 14
It has been a great week for me here at home. After a successful grocery trip, I was able to spend Friday preparing for next week. All of our dinners are ready, lunches are done, just have to do the actual cooking :) I am so excited that I was able to prepare everything and feel so accomplished about how I spent my time and energy yesterday.
PJ has had a bit of a rough go at work this week. A few wrong fills brought about an incident report and he had to stay late yesterday to keep up. The store is definitely feeling the loss of their awesome extern, along with a few days without one of the top technicians (his wife had a baby, so we're excited for them). It has just been a tough week, though, so we are praying that he can get ahead today. It seems to be overcast, so hopefully it will be a slow day.
AJ is growing and learning and very adventurous. Every chance she gets, she is pulling herself up to stand, starting to scale the coffee tables, couches, and walls; and she loves to laugh, squeal and observe, as well as eat everything she climbs on. There seems to be some constant teething, but nothing has cut still. Yesterday she made a huge stride in eating. We have been giving her dissolvable cereal and letting her test other foods besides the baby stuff, and she picked up her cereal yesterday and put it right in her mouth! The simplest things are so exciting! We are not quite doing it every time, as she is fisting pieces and not opening her hand to put them in her mouth, she leans over her tray to eat like a puppy. I love my silly little peanut!
We also had dinner with Kelley and Sean this week. Kelley was here on Wednesday to enjoy some yummy comfort food, and brought a beautiful bouquet of flowers for Mother's Day! She is such a loving friend and encourager! Sean stopped by on Monday to enjoy some pasta and catch up after a long while! Enjoyed catching up and hearing about his schooling and church. We are excited to stay caught up and see how school goes over the next couple of years.
Tuesday was a tough day for me after I got my first adjustment with steel ties on my braces. It has been new pain, as cold has become quite sensitive for me. It's going to be more getting used to, after I thought I just got the hang of these things.
Thursday was a great day, too! PJ's parents were generous enough to watch AJ while we had a movie date to go see Captain America: Civil War! Highly recommend, you should go check it out. Later, my brother came over and for dinner, PJ's parents took us for a yummy evening at Red Robin!
So, it has been an awesome week, busy, but fun. I am definitely looking forward to having a relaxing Sunday afternoon at home tomorrow.
That's a short update for our little family. Love you all!
PJ has had a bit of a rough go at work this week. A few wrong fills brought about an incident report and he had to stay late yesterday to keep up. The store is definitely feeling the loss of their awesome extern, along with a few days without one of the top technicians (his wife had a baby, so we're excited for them). It has just been a tough week, though, so we are praying that he can get ahead today. It seems to be overcast, so hopefully it will be a slow day.
AJ is growing and learning and very adventurous. Every chance she gets, she is pulling herself up to stand, starting to scale the coffee tables, couches, and walls; and she loves to laugh, squeal and observe, as well as eat everything she climbs on. There seems to be some constant teething, but nothing has cut still. Yesterday she made a huge stride in eating. We have been giving her dissolvable cereal and letting her test other foods besides the baby stuff, and she picked up her cereal yesterday and put it right in her mouth! The simplest things are so exciting! We are not quite doing it every time, as she is fisting pieces and not opening her hand to put them in her mouth, she leans over her tray to eat like a puppy. I love my silly little peanut!
We also had dinner with Kelley and Sean this week. Kelley was here on Wednesday to enjoy some yummy comfort food, and brought a beautiful bouquet of flowers for Mother's Day! She is such a loving friend and encourager! Sean stopped by on Monday to enjoy some pasta and catch up after a long while! Enjoyed catching up and hearing about his schooling and church. We are excited to stay caught up and see how school goes over the next couple of years.
Tuesday was a tough day for me after I got my first adjustment with steel ties on my braces. It has been new pain, as cold has become quite sensitive for me. It's going to be more getting used to, after I thought I just got the hang of these things.
Thursday was a great day, too! PJ's parents were generous enough to watch AJ while we had a movie date to go see Captain America: Civil War! Highly recommend, you should go check it out. Later, my brother came over and for dinner, PJ's parents took us for a yummy evening at Red Robin!
So, it has been an awesome week, busy, but fun. I am definitely looking forward to having a relaxing Sunday afternoon at home tomorrow.
That's a short update for our little family. Love you all!
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Life Update
Tomorrow, we will enjoy our church and then spend the afternoon with our family finding out the gender for baby number 2 so we can start calling them by name and tell AJ she will have a little brother or sister instead of having to keep saying "sibling" because it is driving us crazy! LOL We are so excited to find out! My mom finally found (on Etsy) a big sister onesie for 6-9mos size... I guess there is not enough of a market for mass producers to make them for kiddos under the age of 1 hehe. We will be posting a layout photo with her and our ultrasound photos for the reveal, so keep an eye out.

AJ is doing so well this week! She is adjusting nicely into a new schedule, playing hard, standing up all over the place, and eating lots of solids - well twice a day - (along with 4 bottles a day!). She is growing up right before my eyes and it is such an incredible blessing to sift through photos of her and see how much she has changed in such a short amount of time. I cannot wait to see how she grows into a little girl, but I already know these stages are going to pass by so fast, I don't want to rush through them.
On the gluttony front, I am still struggling with food intake and staying healthy, but this past week I have walked A LOT and given myself every excuse to keep up with my steps goals. I know that real health starts in the kitchen on what I choose to put into my body, but this is a lifelong struggle, so changes and habits are not going to change overnight. However, I can tell you that because I have been walking, choices have been getting better and I feel a lot better throughout the day and the next when I have achieved my goals.

As far as the pregnancy itself goes, I cannot complain. I am starting to notice more movement, so I'm not forgetting that I am pregnant anymore. LOL I love feeling #2 move around and cause flutters in my tummy. I am feeling really good and this has been an awesome week. I cannot wait to celebrate Mother's Day tomorrow and enjoy hubby's day off!
Numbers 6:24-25
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
20 Weeks
So many people wonder if this pregnancy is different than my last. To be quite honest, I still have days where I forget that I'm pregnant because I am really busy - teaching and training and watching out for a mobile now 7 month old hahahaha.
I can tell you that there was not a lot of morning sickness, though, I didn't really have time to be hurling in the bathroom since I am home all day with a baby who needs constant supervision. I started feeling #2 move around this week, which is about 2 weeks sooner than I felt AJ. She was pretty chill and the only thing I was feeling was her shift in sleeping positions (which she still does). As far as I can tell, this pregnancy is going pretty well. There has not been any major events, I can feel our little one moving, each visit there baby has shown signs of growth and a strong heartbeat, and we are pretty happy parents.
In the spirit of embracing the bump, I will share that I have started gaining weight again because these last couple weeks have been rough and schedules have eluded me. To confess, food has been my comfort and a poor choice at that. I have still been determined to walk, though the hard work is cancelled out once I am home and the only steps I take are between the couch and the kitchen. It has only been a 5 pound gain in the last 3 weeks, so I am confident that even if I cannot lose it, I can maintain it (through grace, prayer, and hard work). I can say, though, that the gain has not been overwhelming in its discouragement and I am much more comfortable in my own skin than I was a year ago waiting for AJ.
Please keep us in your prayers that I would set a good example for my daughter and remember the importance of having a healthy diet no matter what stage of life or season I may be in.
I can tell you that there was not a lot of morning sickness, though, I didn't really have time to be hurling in the bathroom since I am home all day with a baby who needs constant supervision. I started feeling #2 move around this week, which is about 2 weeks sooner than I felt AJ. She was pretty chill and the only thing I was feeling was her shift in sleeping positions (which she still does). As far as I can tell, this pregnancy is going pretty well. There has not been any major events, I can feel our little one moving, each visit there baby has shown signs of growth and a strong heartbeat, and we are pretty happy parents.
In the spirit of embracing the bump, I will share that I have started gaining weight again because these last couple weeks have been rough and schedules have eluded me. To confess, food has been my comfort and a poor choice at that. I have still been determined to walk, though the hard work is cancelled out once I am home and the only steps I take are between the couch and the kitchen. It has only been a 5 pound gain in the last 3 weeks, so I am confident that even if I cannot lose it, I can maintain it (through grace, prayer, and hard work). I can say, though, that the gain has not been overwhelming in its discouragement and I am much more comfortable in my own skin than I was a year ago waiting for AJ.
Please keep us in your prayers that I would set a good example for my daughter and remember the importance of having a healthy diet no matter what stage of life or season I may be in.
Seven Months
AJ turned 7 months yesterday! She is a mover and a shaker, she began crawling just about 2-3 weeks ago and is not content in any one spot. Nor is she content just to crawl! It has not taken her long to build the strength to pull herself up and maneuver her way around the room (holding on tight, of course).
Pulling herself up on bouncers, chairs, coffee tables, entertainment centers, bookshelves, and couches, she is one determined little peanut! Mommy did not even realize there was that much stuff to pull up on! We are in trouble...
Teething to no end, there have been little signs of actual teeth coming through. Combining that with growth spurts have interrupted naps and nighttime sleep. Thankfully, at night, daddy is able to comfort her and she goes back to sleep quite easily. However, the shortened naps have been something mommy frequently must discern: do we rock back to sleep or start playing without starting a new bottle? Mostly it has been the latter, she is not accustomed to being rocked to sleep often, which is a huge blessing for all of us. AJ is such a good baby, and we are very blessed to be able to watch her grow.
Some of her favorite things include:
*Standing up, using whatever means necessary
*Trying to climb (fortunately for mommy, we are having a frustrating go of that!)
*Eating solids, trying new foods (mostly fruits and veggies)
*Emptying out the diaper bag (it's no fun playing with the toys that are just lying around ;))
*Finding every nook and cranny that daddy and mommy do not want me in :)
We have one adventurous little girl, but I cannot wait to see how she grows. I love taking her to the park and putting her in the baby swings (not much else we can do besides lay out a blanket to crawl off of). It is so much fun to think of all the things we will have the privilege of teaching her, it is also such an amazing blessing to take our time (even though it seems to slip by faster than we realize) soaking in this season of infancy.
Pulling herself up on bouncers, chairs, coffee tables, entertainment centers, bookshelves, and couches, she is one determined little peanut! Mommy did not even realize there was that much stuff to pull up on! We are in trouble...
Teething to no end, there have been little signs of actual teeth coming through. Combining that with growth spurts have interrupted naps and nighttime sleep. Thankfully, at night, daddy is able to comfort her and she goes back to sleep quite easily. However, the shortened naps have been something mommy frequently must discern: do we rock back to sleep or start playing without starting a new bottle? Mostly it has been the latter, she is not accustomed to being rocked to sleep often, which is a huge blessing for all of us. AJ is such a good baby, and we are very blessed to be able to watch her grow.
Some of her favorite things include:
*Standing up, using whatever means necessary
*Trying to climb (fortunately for mommy, we are having a frustrating go of that!)
*Eating solids, trying new foods (mostly fruits and veggies)
*Emptying out the diaper bag (it's no fun playing with the toys that are just lying around ;))
*Finding every nook and cranny that daddy and mommy do not want me in :)
We have one adventurous little girl, but I cannot wait to see how she grows. I love taking her to the park and putting her in the baby swings (not much else we can do besides lay out a blanket to crawl off of). It is so much fun to think of all the things we will have the privilege of teaching her, it is also such an amazing blessing to take our time (even though it seems to slip by faster than we realize) soaking in this season of infancy.
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