Tomorrow, we will enjoy our church and then spend the afternoon with our family finding out the gender for baby number 2 so we can start calling them by name and tell AJ she will have a little brother or sister instead of having to keep saying "sibling" because it is driving us crazy! LOL We are so excited to find out! My mom finally found (on Etsy) a big sister onesie for 6-9mos size... I guess there is not enough of a market for mass producers to make them for kiddos under the age of 1 hehe. We will be posting a layout photo with her and our ultrasound photos for the reveal, so keep an eye out.

AJ is doing so well this week! She is adjusting nicely into a new schedule, playing hard, standing up all over the place, and eating lots of solids - well twice a day - (along with 4 bottles a day!). She is growing up right before my eyes and it is such an incredible blessing to sift through photos of her and see how much she has changed in such a short amount of time. I cannot wait to see how she grows into a little girl, but I already know these stages are going to pass by so fast, I don't want to rush through them.
On the gluttony front, I am still struggling with food intake and staying healthy, but this past week I have walked A LOT and given myself every excuse to keep up with my steps goals. I know that real health starts in the kitchen on what I choose to put into my body, but this is a lifelong struggle, so changes and habits are not going to change overnight. However, I can tell you that because I have been walking, choices have been getting better and I feel a lot better throughout the day and the next when I have achieved my goals.

As far as the pregnancy itself goes, I cannot complain. I am starting to notice more movement, so I'm not forgetting that I am pregnant anymore. LOL I love feeling #2 move around and cause flutters in my tummy. I am feeling really good and this has been an awesome week. I cannot wait to celebrate Mother's Day tomorrow and enjoy hubby's day off!
Numbers 6:24-25
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