Someday, I'll go back to keeping a schedule and having consistency in writing. For now, though, we have consistent fluctuations in our home, so it is what it is!
AJ is doing great! She is 14 months now and on the move. She loves being tickled, her favorite game is Peek-a-Boo, and she adores her baby sister. E is already 2 months old getting more tummy time and squirming all over the place. She enjoys the lullaby on her baby play mat and watching the mobile. She is such a happy baby, and we cannot get enough of her smiles.
PJ and I had an awesome anniversary vacation together. We decided to stay in town and celebrate with Disney passes. As excited as I am for Thursday mornings at the parks with our little family, I am ecstatic for mommy-daughter dates with AJ in a few months when E is on solids and we can sneak away for a time to enjoy Fantasyland, Pirates, and Haunted Mansion together, as well as California Adventure's Monster's Inc, The Little Mermaid, Bug's Land, Cars Land and the Frozen show. Hubby and I are also looking forward to rare Fridays off to enjoy with one another and letting our littles stay with their grands!
Today PJ had to go back to work, it was tough, but he survived. There were just a couple of issues, but the smooth transition back was aided by an excellent team that kept ahead of the scripts. We are so grateful for his team, he because they all help him look good and the store is in an excellent position; me because when he is encouraged, I am encouraged. As much as I dislike his commute and the fact that trying to have lunch with him is a whole day event that is a rarity, he loves his team and neither of us can imagine him having to be at a new store with new coworkers.
Jessy is trying to find a rhythm for life, but there always seems to be something coming up. Prayerfully, the Christmas season will go smoothly, but we really feel that maybe this is not the best season to have an infant. If the Lord blesses us with more growth, we hope that number 3 comes sometime in the early summer so we can sleep more by the holiday season!
God is so incredibly gracious. Jessy is growing in patience and having the teaching of kindness on her tongue. PJ is still listening to sermons on his way to work. We are trying to do sermon application questions as our weekly study together. Our small group is working through Ephesians, also, so we work through that together to prepare for discussions. We are so proud of AJ and her ability to play with the big kids at group. Now, if we could just get her to be comfortable enough not to scream and fuss on Sunday mornings in the church nursery. Thank you, nursery workers, we love and appreciate you!
I think that's it, for now!
<3 Jessy
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