Pruning is an unpleasant business. Since I am not a gardener, I will describe the refining illustration with better communication: When gold is refined, it is tested by fire to cleanse it from all impurities. Because of sin, God's perfect gift of motherhood is cursed by my selfishness and their rebellion. Yet, the Lord allows it, and I am being refined. He is sanctifying me by His Holy Spirit and granting me the privilege of mothering through the fiery trials. Learning to understand what He faces as our Father when we rebel.
I will not share the sins of others (namely, my children), but I will confess my impatience, my temper, my laziness, my distracted heart, and my self-focused goals. Being a mother is challenging, yet it is the calling I have of the Lord to seek His guidance and wisdom as I shepherd them. We have been so grateful for the lessons at small group from Kirk and Chelsea Cameron, The Heart of Family, and the encouragement we have found in our marriage and parenthood. We have been deeply blessed by the practical words of Paul David Tripp, Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles that Can Radically Change Your Family, remembering that we cannot control our children's hearts - only guide their minds.

Putting these things into practice is the work of the Holy Spirit, though, and when I try to do it my my own will and strength, my Heavenly Father reminds me - through my children's Awana verses and prayer - that He is in charge (Awana Cubbie Bear Hug lessons and verse memorizations from Appleseed).
As I was reviewing verses with my kiddos the other night, I reached a point when they simply walked away to go play (between getting ready for bed activities) where I was just too tired to go after them. I continued reviewing the Bible verses out loud, knowing that time spent hiding His Word in my heart is never wasted (2 Timothy 3:16). I said Romans 5:8 aloud, ...while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." I stopped to reflect on this...
While we were still sinners. While we were His enemies. While He knew that I would scream at my children. While He knew that I would selfishly think on my own desires while He asked me to parent these children (His children). While I was still scorning His righteousness out of a desire to serve myself. While He knew that I would fail... He died for me. Christ took nails into His hands and was pierced at His side praying, "Father forgive them..." He suffered that I may bear His righteousness, though I am a wretched sinner...Of course there was more to these thoughts in the moment, but the point is, He is faithful to remind me of His goodness no matter what I am feeling. These children are His, He has granted me and my husband the privilege of shepherding their hearts as their parents here on earth.
I was reminded recently, also, that when we sin, we not only stop doing what is sinful, we must repent and turn toward obedience. This means turning to something else. When you try to stop a bad habit, you must replace it with a new one. You can replace it with something else bad, or you can replace it with a good one, but it will manifest in replacement. If we are to repent of our sin, we are to replace it with righteousness, we will find His righteousness in His Word.
If I must repent of my impatience and frustration with my children, I must find what His Word says about children and replace my self-focus with aligning my heart with His. One of my favorite passages regarding children is found in Psalm 127:
(3) Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. (4) Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. (5) Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate. (ESV)I plan to meditate and memorize these verses and start here in developing a right perspective of parenthood and children.
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