I just wanted to check in with a quick family update!

PJ continues to do well at work. It was tough for him to receive the December results on their store's numbers and find out that they were not number one, a spot they had held pretty tightly for a few months prior. It was a slice of humble pie for him to remember that there is never a time to stop pushing. However, it was a good opportunity for me to support him and encourage him in the accomplishments that he
has achieved beautifully over this last year. Just because they did not make number 1 in December does not negate the hard work that has been put into making his store a success over the last year.
In the last year they have gone from underperforming and stress-filled to a well oiled machine where the environment has been uplifting in the coworker relationships. Please be praying for the growth and maturity of one of his new coworkers who is working to find her place in the store. Also, the lead technician will be taking some time off to recuperate and connect with his family before his paid family leave runs out. Pray for a time of refreshment for him as well as diligence for us. That PJ would take care of the schedules in a timely manner and that I would encourage him every step of the way over the next 3 weeks.

I have been working on finding a flow that works for the girls and I as I am amping up exercise and meal planning. May the Lord help me to be creative in making new meals that keep AJ interested and keep me in check not to deprive myself of so much at once so that I may continue on my weight loss journey with success not only for myself, but also for my family. This journey is not just for me, but it is for me to be a more fruitful home manager and trainer for my little ones, as well as a biblically submissive wife who takes care of her hubby as he leads us through the challenges and blessings of life.

AJ has been testing boundaries day after day. It is a continued challenge for my patience and drawing a clear line of consistent grace and discipline. Each day seems to bring difficult set backs, but when I take her to lunch and she eats well and socializes with our family or I can sit her in a chair while I get my eyes checked at the doctor, it is clear that the Lord is giving me enough grace to successfully teach my children well.

E is taking rice cereal at night, which is elongating her sleep time, but there is still a challenge to get her through the night. Please pray for consistency in her schedule and that we would not be lax in what we know might work for her instead of taking the easy routes of feeding when we know she is capable of rest. She is rolling from back to belly pretty consistently now, in that, whenever she is placed on her back, she flips for a better view then gets frustrated with her lack of strength to hold herself up for an extended period of time. It is adorable and she is enjoying the flip game!

That seems to be all for now. Thank you for your love and encouragement as our little family continues on our journey! It is such a blessing to know the love and support we have from our church family and all those around us. We love and appreciate you all so much!
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