Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Familial Healing

As many of you know, last week I was in the hospital for an infection. I had surgery on Saturday and was able to come home Sunday afternoon. It was a rough week, but I am so incredibly grateful for my parents and in-laws for taking the time to come and take care of our little ones while we were gone. It was so hard to be away from them under such a stressful umbrella, but I am happy to be home. We are also blessed by our church community! They are bringing dinners over for us this week so that I can take the time to get back into the swing of things and not have to worry about cooking and meal planning.

God is definitely using this time to humble me, as I tend to get a little ambitious and stubborn in trying to work toward goals and having good schedules. I have been forced to rest, unable to push my limits in my workouts. I have been forced to consider my goals for long term fitness and what this looks like for our family and evaluate my inclusion of hubby and the girls in these goals. I have been forced to pause, which many of you know I struggle to do, so that is the way the Lord has seen fit to get my attention.

I have to say that I am grateful to take this time and have the opportunity to re-evaluate how I can manage our home in a more God-honoring way. As I was able to finish my women's study while in the hospital, I can also re-focus my spiritual goals in the form of devotions and Bible study.

This has been a great time to reflect on God's sovereignty and the call of humility He has placed upon us. I appreciate the chance to repent from my selfish ambition and desires and will probably spend this next week looking at Proverbs 31, embracing this time of rest and honoring this season of motherhood.

Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement. I am excited to see how the Lord will use this time of healing and refreshment to strengthen our family.


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